Do you need a general contractor for your event, or assistance with individual solutions?

We offer you a wide range of services.

Exhibition equipment

Are you going to participate as an exhibitor, or arrange a trade fair, conference or other event? Then we can help you. Compass Fairs has all the equipment for any event, regardless of size.


We create stands for trade fairs, conferences and other events. You can order anything from a simple starter kit to a large custom-designed one – and everything in between.


A floor should be comfortable to walk on. It must be durable and easy to keep clean. In addition, it has an extra important function when it comes to exhibition stands: The floor binds the visual experience of the stand together, providing a clear delineation.


We offer exhibition walls and front tables in many different colours, as well as back rooms with doors or curtains in different colours.


We offer a wide range of trade equipment, regardless of whether you are an exhibitor or you are going to arrange a trade fair, a conference or another event.


Compass Fairs supplies all the furniture you need for your event. Our range of furniture includes tables, chairs, counters and much, much more.

Electrical equipment

There are many details you don’t see or worry about. There are several elements that need to be in place in order for everything to work and be functional.


Stage elements can be assembled into a stage or a podium at different heights. Our business partners offer a variety of different solutions.


Every aspect of a stand contributes to the company’s profile. It is therefore important to think holistically. We are happy to help you with this process so you get the best solution for your budget.